G.R. Tomaini is a First-Generation LGBTQ Federal McNair Scholar, an Artist, Poet, Theologian, and Systematic Philosopher, as well as an author of ten books — three philosophical monographs as well as seven volumes of poetry — who graduated with a Master’s degree in Systematic Philosophical Theology from Union Theological Seminary in Manhattan; he earned a Bachelors in Philosophy from the formidable Rutgers — New Brunswick Philosophy department, during such time as he audited twenty-five graduate seminars, enrolled in six, and was, generally speaking, a protégé of Drucilla Cornell. He is a Poetry Editor at The Incognito Press, as well as a Monthly Contributor to the same; he was also an Editor of the Philosophy Journal Tongue, rooted in Boston, Massachusetts; what’s more, he is a Columnist with Anxiety Press. Thus far, eight works of his have been published across seven volumes; all of his published works have been cataloged and are for sale through the Harvard University Book Store, by venues such as Walmart and Target, and are available worldwide in over twenty-five different countries. He has also produced over 109 drawings and paintings. His first academic monograph on Philosophy, entitled Encyclopedia of American Idealism: Entries Toward a Novel Method and System of Philosophy was published with Manticore Press for its first edition; it is prefaced by Cornel West as well as endorsed by Slavoj Žižek. Three of Tomaini’s academic references are Cornel West, Slavoj Žižek, and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Tomaini’s Master’s Thesis, the Tractatus Perfectio-Philosophicus, which was supervised by Cornel West and Gary Dorrien (a student of John Rawls), translates from Latin to: Treatise On Philosophical Perfection, and was accepted for publication by Melbourne, Australia’s Manticore Press only three days after it was finished, and is forthcoming in 2o24. One of Tomaini's seven completed full-length poetry manuscripts, Ballad of An American Ganymede: Or, Explorations of Queeritude In Fifty-Seven Cantos (Anxiety Press 2022), consists of fifty-seven poems in the manner of Queer Existentialist Poetry inspired by Heidegger and Sartre. Two more of his other books of poetry have recently been published under the title: The Rainbow Cantos: Two Attempts At Queering The Canon (Pumpernickel Press 2022); the two works of poetry that were published in the same volume are Kiss Me, Ahab!: A Queer Novella Across One Hundred and Twenty Cantos and Gayowulf: An LGBTQ Epic Poem Inspired By Beowulf. Tomaini’s poems are featured in Outcast Press's magazine, Selcouth Station Press's journal, Agapanthus Collective's poetry line-up, Roi Fainéant Press's website, in a mini-publication by The Incognito Press, in an anthology published by the American Writers Review, in a zine published by Decadent Cosmos Press, and most recently, on Expat Press’s website. Another two of Tomaini's poetry works are Wittgenstein 2.0: An Autobiographical Play Written In Poetry (Anxiety Press, 2024) and The Psalms of Babylon: Or, 112 Flowers of Malaise (Indigo Dragon Press, 2023). Three of Tomaini's most celebrated poems are: Ode To My Butt In These Jeans, A Love Poem By Ahab Candomblé, and Et Tu, Brooklyn Twink? Tomaini's sixth poetry book was published under a pseudonym for dramatic effect. Tomaini’s seventh book of poetry is entitled Paragons of Love: Lives In Sonnets of Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Nelson Mandela, and is dedicated to Cornel West, Tomaini’s mentor and professor of five classes. Tomaini is currently in the process of recording several Poetry Albums based on his seven books of Poetry; what’s more, Tomaini is also converting a few of his Poetry books into stage plays. Tomaini's works can be found at https://www.grtomaini.com as well as on his Twitter profile, @Gtomaini. Follow him on LinkedIn. He resides on the Jersey Shore.